Thank you for visiting our website which will showcase our proposals for the West Deeping Replacement Quarry. It will give you an opportunity to view and provide your feedback on our proposals.
Our public consultation events took place on 5 June and 10 June 2024.
As part of the public consultation, we held an online webinar on Wednesday 5 June – a recording of which you can find in the ‘Webinar’ dropdown below.
We also held an in-person public exhibition on Monday 10 June – copies of the exhibition display panels and the consultation questions are available to view and download from the ‘Documents’ and ‘Consultation Questions’ dropdowns below.
If you have any further questions or comments, please contact us at
Please get in touch if you require our consultation materials in an alternative format, for example hard-copy, large format, translations, or Braille.
We are holding a webinar to give you the opportunity to virtually meet the team and ask any questions; the details for this are below:
To register for this event, please click the link here.
We are also holding an in-person event to give you the opportunity to meet with the team, ask any questions, and have your say; the details for this are below:
Please note that due to capacity limits in the Village Hall, you will have to select a specific timeslot to attend the public exhibition. You can do this by clicking the link here.
Slots will be issued on a first come first served basis.
You can download the exhibition display panels as a PDF document. The display panels give a general introduction and an overview of the proposed development.
You can submit your views by completing and returning the feedback questionnaire:
The following questions have been raised by residents during the formal consultation on our proposals for West Deeping Quarry. The formal consultation period ran from 5 June to 18 June 2024. These questions have been raised via one of the following methods: via email to our consultation email address; via the feedback forms at our public exhibition; or at our consultation webinar held on 5 June 2024.
The project team is in the process of drafting responses to all of these questions which we will publish on the website as soon as possible.
Residents also provided feedback via these methods, which is currently being reviewed and analysed by the project team.